The Virtual Assistant industry is on the rise as more and more businesses use this service to outsource some of their tasks.

The internet has enabled professional Administrative Assistants to leave the corporate world and set up their own businesses, providing skilled support to busy entrepreneurs and business managers.

If you have come to the conclusion that you can no longer keep up to the increasing demands of your growing business and you need someone to assist with your daily duties, you may find the following list helpful.

In determining whether contracting a Virtual Assistant is the best option for your particular circumstances, begin by reviewing these ideas and then formulating your own plan, taking into consideration what you would like to start delegating. Then, as you establish an ongoing relationship with a Virtual Assistant, you can change, add or delete duties and projects, customizing what works best for you.

One thing you can always count on is that your Virtual Assistant will always be ready and flexible to change and grow with you as they come to learn your business and your unique needs.

Here are 10 ways you can utilize the services of a Virtual Assistant in your business:

  1. A VA can organize, write and send email newsletters allowing you valuable time to service your customers.
  2. A VA can manage and organize your database ensuring information is always up to date and readily accessible when contacting customers or sending out sales and marketing information.
  3. VA’s have great organization skills when it comes to keeping communication going. As a single contact source, a VA can act as a liaison between management and staff keeping information flowing.
  4. Your web site is your portal to the world. A VA will perform regular updates and upload edits in a timely manner freeing up your valuable time for other priorities.
  5. Let a VA assume your bookkeeping requirements. By delegating this important task, you can rest assured that all your accounting will be properly managed and bills paid on time.
  6. Research can become very time-consuming. Rather than bogging down the busy in-house staff on a project, hire a specialized VA in the field of research who will provide you with the content you are looking for.
  7. A VA can manage your emails and calendar, schedule appointments or make travel arrangements. It’s like having your own personal secretary on hand. Don’t miss another appointment or double-book a meeting by having your VA taking care of the details.
  8. As part of your team and familiar with all aspects of your business, a VA can easily create effective PowerPoint or webinar for your company.
  9. A VA can assist you with preparing reports and press release submissions. Materials will be professionally packaged for each specific media or business type. Printed and electronic materials will be edited and proofread to ensure you are making the right impression.
  10. Partnering with a VA in another country half-way around the world will allow you to have your work completed while you sleep. Everything will be ready and waiting for you as you arrive in your office the next day.

Find and hire that VA you’ve been looking for by submitting a Request For Proposal (RFP) at our network today. Our VAs are waiting, ready to assist you with all your business needs.

Feel free to share with us the ways you utilize the services of a VA or if you are a VA reading this please share other ways you help your clients be successful with their business ventures.

Contributed by member Erika Martlew

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