How Your Virtual Assistant Can Help You Obtain Credibility Online
Credibility to me means "trustworthiness". Trustworthiness = More Sales Online! If I trust someone and believe in them as a person/company online, then they can tell me they are an expert at whatever they want and I'll believe them. 😉 AND, I buy from websites/people...
From One Virtual Assistant to Another – VAvirtuosos Seminar Series
It'sssssssssssssss BACK! VAVS3! If you've never heard of this before then please keep on reading as you won't want to miss this special series we run every spring and fall... Are you a Virtual Assistant (VA) ready to stop stressing about the economy, have some fun AND...
Sales Page Relief: No-Fee Teleclass
It’s an age-old conundrum in business. You love what you do but you don’t love the process of selling it. And writing sales copy is no exception. You worry about “sounding” pushy. You don’t want to bore people. You fear no one will read your copy, let alone accept...