How to Use PLR to Get More Clients in Your VA Business
We all know by now that content is KING online! Having new content on your website not only interests potential clients but the search engines love it too boosting websites with new content higher up in their results pages. But what if you don’t like to write or you...
Virtual Assistants: What is PLR & How Can it Help you to Get More Clients?
Here’s a question that I received today. I thought it was such a valuable question that I went to my PLR expert, Nicole Dean to answer for us. Dear Nicole, I hear you talking about PLR articles, but I’m a Virtual Assistant, not an Internet Marketer. I need clients,...
5 Ways to Grow Your Virtual Assistant Business Using Just Your iPhone
I love how easily I can stay on top of my business using just my iPhone! Do you have an iPhone yet? If you’re like many owners, you most likely access your iPhone for a variety of personal and even some business uses. You probably use the GPS to find your way to...