Want to Become an Instant Expert in Your VA Business?
It's really easy to do if you have plenty of written content surrounding your subject of expertise. People love to read online and learn from others who know their stuff! New and consistent up-to-date niche content focused on your market gains you credibility as an...
VAVS Conference for VAs is Back! Don’t Miss Early Bird Draws!
VAVS9 is back for it's ninth season! Have you got your seat yet? If so you are one smart Virtual Assistant (VA) because you will be included in our Early Bird and attendee draws that amount to over $3100. VAVS stands for the "Virtual Assistant VAvirtuoso Seminars" an...
Hey VA, Are You Acting as a Coach, Consultant or Trainer?
We had a great time with Kelly McCausey on Thursday when she kicked off our free training webinars for 2014. It's amazing how many Virtual Assistants have crossed over into the role of a coach, consultant or trainer. Watch the video replay here And here's what else...