10 Great Ways to Turn Your Facebook Fans into Paying Customers
Facebook is a simple yet effective way to promote your business as it allows you the opportunity to reach billions of people with the click of a button. The goal of any business is to make money but to do that you have to convert your fans into customers. This isn’t...
Using Video Marketing to Get New Clients
We can all agree that Google is the largest search engine on the web right? But do you know what the second largest is? If you guessed YouTube (which is actually owned by Google) then you are one smart cookie! Videos are being searched and viewed more than ever...
Are Your Crappy Headlines Hindering Your Email Open Rate?
I was having this exact problem last month... Upon looking at the open rates of my emails I was noticing an increased downward spiral of user open rates on my email list. It made me start asking myself why are people not opening my emails? Was it because I spent most...