Easily Start up Your Virtual Assistant Biz Over the Summer!
YES You Can Do It! It's summertime here in North America and you may be wondering what to do with the extra time on your hands. Here's an idea... Why not invest in yourself and start a career as a Virtual Assistant? Download my VA Startup Checklist here Imagine having...
Marketing Campaign Ideas That Engage Your Audience
The first thing you have to understand when you want to conduct marketing campaigns either for your business or your client is that engaging with the audience is why audiences engage in the first place. What makes an audience member step out and share, like, comment, or participate in your marketing campaign? It’s either due to the competition, the social kudos, the exclusivity, or the feeling of satisfaction of having created something or done something good.
Are You Managing Your Time or Is It Managing You?
It’s amazing how much some Virtual Assistants manage to get their work done, while others seem to be stuck in a rut without enough time in the day to accomplish much of anything. But, here’s the secret. Every VA has the same amount of time in every single day.