Boost Your Income! ADD Bookkeeping Services to Your Virtual Assistant Business
Have you been looking for another service to add to your Virtual Assistant business that will make you stand out and earn the income you desire? Have you ever considered offering bookkeeping services? Bookkeeping has been around for hundreds of years and isn’t set to...
The Virtual Assistant Rockhound – Are You a Diamond in the Rough?
Many of you don't know this but I'm a Rockhound. YES, I collect precious stones just for the thrill of it which you can see from my coffee table display in the pic on the right. But this time I'm looking for some different types of gemstones than I typically collect...
Does Your VA Business Website Have a Responsive Design?
Have you been chatting lately with your business colleagues and heard the phrase “responsive design” pop into the conversation but didn’t have a clue what it was all about? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and hopefully after today you’ll be educated enough to join...