10 Do’s and Don’ts of Copywriting
There are do's and don'ts to know about effective copywriting within your Virtual Assistant business. Whether you are writing for your clients or your own business here are 10 do's and don'ts to help you craft better copy. If you put this list near your desk before...
8 Reasons Virtual Assistants Should Hire a Business Coach
Hiring a business coach is a strategic next step for most sole proprietors, not just Virtual Assistants! If you think about it, no CEO does everything alone when it comes to running a business. They have assistants and advisers and many people that help keep them...
5 No-Cost Ways to Get Clients for Your Virtual Assistant Business
How much have you spent trying to get clients for your Virtual Assistant business? If the only money you’ve spent has gone towards getting your VA website set up, you’re doing great. If you’ve spent additional money on marketing, stop now. You do not need to spend...