We all enjoy the Clement Clark Moore version of “˜Twas the Night Before Christmas”. I thought it would be fun to take a look at the “Week After Christmas from a Virtual Assistant’s point of view”.

PLEASE SHARE with your VA friends and Clients. I hope you enjoy this interesting twist written by one of our Get Clients Club Members a few years ago…Twas the Night After Christmas


˜Twas the week after Christmas, when all through my office, No printers were humming, no emails were coming;

The file folders were hung in the cabinet with care, In hopes that client work would soon be there;

The client files were nestled all snug in their bins, Then visions of retainer clients, spreadsheets, and to-do lists danced in;

With a cup of hot cocoa and holiday cookies near, I had just settled down to the computer and what did I hear?

“You’ve got mail!” was the chatter, I sprang in my chair to see what was the matter.

Away to my Inbox I flew like a flash, Tore into my emails and read each in a dash.

The nod of my head showed I was in the know, My clients needed assistance, I had to go.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a 6-month retainer – and I wanted to cheer!

With a sigh and a giggle, my heels they did click, I knew in a moment that the Get Clients Club Job Board did the trick!

More rapid than eagles my thoughts they did race – No, I must slow down, for things like this I should pace,

Now contracts, and policies, and guidelines to find; For sending off to a new client to sign.

Where’s the brochures, the press releases, and packets for all; What’s that I hear? It must be a call.

As the papers flutter back to the top of my desk, It’s a pencil I grab to jot down the request.

“Yes, I can do that! You’ve got the right VA!” What else could I possibly say?

And, then in a twinkling, I heard in the other room – The super-sonic sound only a kid-made “ka-boom!”

As I drew my hand up, and was turning around, Into the room came my child with a bound.

He was dressed in spaghetti from this head to his toe, All I wanted to do was just say “No!”

And his clothes were all covered with red tomato sauce, Into the laundry these I would need to toss.

Now all clean and tidy and down for his nap, It was back to my desk with the click of a pencil I did tap,

I remember now that feeling I had, It was excitement and joy – no feelings of sad.

Getting down to work is what I must do; Preparing reports, checking facts, should that really be a two?

A VA’s work is never done – For when you think you’ve finished, you’ve only just begun.

And I laughed when I caught a reflection of myself; For traces of red sauce were on the tip of my nose, where else.

With a wink of my cat’s eye and a nod of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

I spoke not a word, but went straight back to work; And filled every client request, then turned with a jerk,

And standing in the doorway near – Was my dear husband with a take-out bag – I gave a cheer!

He sprang to my dinner rescue and lended a hand. He knew that warm-ups again would have tasted bland.

Then I heard him exclaim as he headed to the kitchen out of sight, “Congrats on the new client and let’s celebrate tonight!”

Holiday wishes to all of my fellow Virtual Assistants!

BIG thanks to Jaime Lee Mann (former Virtual Assistant) for writing this piece for our network a few years ago. Jaime is now an established author having written many magical fiction books plus co-owns a writing and editing business. Learn more about Jaime here. 

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