Blogging has been around for many years.   But before Social Media really started to make it’s mark on the internet, many bloggers pondered on whether it was worth all the effort and agonized about the lack of readership.   Blogging had become blaze.

When Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter started to grow and become popular, every Social Media expert, class and teleseminar highly emphasized that “Content is King”, “Be Real”, “Share” and spread your brand and message virally through the internet.

Content could be in many forms – an Article, an Audio,  a Video, an eBook or a Blog!

In a Blog

  • you can share fresh content on a regular basis with your readers
  • you can see another blog post by someone else and use that subject matter to write about your own opinions and your slant on the subject
  • you can illustrate your expertise by including content you know well
  • you can position yourself as a “thought leader”
  • you can approach your blog posts by being honest, sharing, being real
  • you can start a blog conversation and invite your readers to comment and interact
  • you can comment on other bloggers posts and start a conversation
  • you can conduct a poll to find out what your readers need
  • you can post your blog on blogger sites for more exposure
  • you can create a Blog Event where you invite other bloggers to write on your blog and you on theirs
  • you can create a “Blog Tour”

Hubspot recently did a blog entitled: Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors. That post made a lot of sense.

One question that comes up often is “how often should I post blogs”?   That depends on what time you have to devote to the blog.   Professional bloggers often post once a day to many times a day.   Most bloggers are more comfortable with fitting a few blogs a week or one per week.   The main point is to be consistent.   If you commit to blogging regularly, consider the time involved and what is manageable for you.   And if you want to make sure your blogs are consistent and your schedule becomes unmanageable, consider how a Virtual Assistant can help you.

Blogging is good for business, no matter what industry you are in.

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