For anyone looking to add more time to their days (who isn’t?!), partnering with a Virtual Assistant is definitely the way to go.

Before this process starts, the potential client (that would be you) often has a ton of questions about how it all works. There is a lot of information about this in the blog archives here, take a look and see what questions we may have addressed already.

I’ve been supporting entrepreneurs administratively for years, virtually since mid-2006. In that time, I have learned that one of the biggest challenges people like you face when starting the VA/client relationship is trying to determine which of your time eaters to delegate. Some things are easier than others and I have learned that by far, email management is the most painless to hand over for everyone.

First of all, email takes up way too much time of your time, and if you had an in-house assistant I’ll bet you’d have no trouble having that person take care of it for you.

There are a few ways to handle this service. I have my own Virtual Assistant that manages my email (I know, ironic!) and it works great. I still like to have my email downloaded to Outlook, so I just try my best to keep it closed throughout the day. My VA set up a top secret gmail account that she forwards my important messages to, and she will call me or instant message me when anything of great importance needs my attention. You won’t believe how much time that has freed up for me. I’m a chronic send/receive clicker, so I was spending way too much time in my email.

Other VAs have other ways of doing this, but for me, this has proven to be the most efficient. Imagine how productive you could be if you didn’t have to focus on every single email that comes into your inbox!

To potential clients of VAs, do you have questions about how this service works?

To VAs who provide this service, can you share some tips for how you’ve made this work for your clients?

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