Quick Tips For Getting and Keeping More Clients as a Virtual Assistant

Quick Tips For Getting and Keeping More Clients as a Virtual Assistant

You’re a Virtual Assistant and you live and breathe by your clients, right? That makes getting and keeping more clients paramount to your success right? Here are six quick tips for getting and keeping more clients in your Virtual Assistant Business. 1.  Ask your...

March 31st Reminders PLUS Bonus Webinar for Virtual Assistants

Here are a couple of offers that are ending March 31st that I want to bring to your attention that I highly recommend all Virtual Assistants have a look at investing in for their business. Hope your mid-week is going well. I know many are on March break with their...

How Your Virtual Assistant Can Help You Obtain Credibility Online

Credibility to me means “trustworthiness”. Trustworthiness = More Sales Online! If I trust someone and believe in them as a person/company online, then they can tell me they are an expert at whatever they want and I’ll believe them. 😉 AND, I buy from...