5 Really Good Excuses for NOT Hiring a Virtual Assistant This Year

Hiring a virtual assistant can help your business succeed in so many ways it’s hard to imagine why anyone would not at least give outsourcing careful consideration. Then again, why take bold and strategic steps forward with your business when you’ve got...

Let Your VA Be Your Eyes and Ears

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. There is so much great information out there today whether it’s a teleseminar, workshop or conference. You know you need to keep growing and learning if you want to stay on top of your game but...

Partnering With The Lowest Priced VA You Can Find = Risky

I spend quite a bit of time pondering VA rates, both from the perspective of a client and the virtual assistant him/herself. I was reading a blog written by someone looking to partner with a VA – which is great – however, the first comment was one that...

Outsourcing Won’t Make You Less of An Entrepreneur!

I was thinking today about a conversation I had a year ago with a potential client. He said he was finally going to let go of the mindset that so many entrepeneurs have. That was, thinking that he wouldn’t be successful unless he did everything himself so his...

StartupNation thinks we’re number 1!

Yes, VAnetworking.com received top ranks in StartupNation’s annual Home Based 100 competition, under the category of Boomers Back in Business! While this alone might not be enough to excite you as someone interested in (or currently) working with a Virtual...