Team Up for Big Results!

Thomas Edison was once asked why he had a team of twenty-one assistants. He replied, “if I could solve all the problems myself, I would.” Many entrepreneurs these days know the value of having a virtual assistant. But what about multiple VAs? Perhaps Mr....

5 Ways to Get More Bang for Your Outsourcing Buck

Everyone is feeling the pinch. Even if you’re projecting more prosperous times, there remains a dilemma over how to sustain key operational and marketing activities when cash is tight. And if you have a virtual assistant or other contractor on the team,...

The Proof is in the Proofing

Some people hunt animals, some people hunt ghosts. Me? I hunt typos. Picking typos out of a published book, newsletter or sales page is something I’ve always loved doing. It’s a twisted little habit I just can’t seem to shake. This of course, is a...

Cultivating Creativity with Your VA

“Success, or failure, very often arrives on the wings that seem mysterious to us.” ~Dr. Marcus Bach I’m not sure if Dr. Bach ever had a virtual assistant but I like his thought process. Bach made it his purpose to increase his appreciation and...