Let Your VA Be Your Eyes and Ears

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. There is so much great information out there today whether it’s a teleseminar, workshop or conference. You know you need to keep growing and learning if you want to stay on top of your game but...

How’s Your Hive Buzzing?

I posted this piece to my own blog back in June and never had one comment on it! I was disappointed cause I thought it was a pretty good little post. I would like to share it here because I believe it’s a great analogy. Enjoy! Let’s, for a moment, imagine...

The Easiest Administrative Task to Delegate…

For anyone looking to add more time to their days (who isn’t?!), partnering with a Virtual Assistant is definitely the way to go. Before this process starts, the potential client (that would be you) often has a ton of questions about how it all works. There is a...

Get Dozens of Skills With One Virtual Assistant

There are so many benefits to working with a Virtual Assistant. One of those is that in most cases you get a lot more brains than one! No, Virtual Assistants aren’t two-headed creatures, but most are very well connected through the VA networking forums they...

Make a Plan Before Working With a Virtual Assistant

When you think you’re ready to choose a Virtual Assistant to start taking care of your administrative headaches, there are some things you should do on your end to make things a bit easier for everyone. The most important thing you can do before you get into a...