Chances are you subscribe to several ezines or email newsletters. You may have often thought about how great it would be to offer your own clients the same kind of quality content, offers and tips that the pros do. It sounds great,   but how would you find the time to design it, find the content, build a list and manage the whole thing? Great news! You don’t have to find the time, simply find a VA with ezine experience and expertise. With your input and guidance all of the following tasks can be easily delegated to a VA.

Layout & Frequency
Decide in advance what sort of content your ezine will have. Is it going to be strictly tips? A mix of articles and tips? Perhaps you’d like resources or special offers at the end. Many entrepreneurs like to have a personal note to start things off. Will it be weekly or monthly? It’s important to figure out this information in advance so you produce a newsletter that will leave your audience wanting more.

There are several approaches you could take for the design of your newsletter. Or you could opt for no design at all. Some internet marketers claim plain text emails have a higher open rate. If you choose to have a design you could:

  • Hire a graphic designer to create a template for you
  • Ask your VA to create a template if this is her forte’
  • Customize a pre-made template in the email software you choose for your campaign

Content is often the biggest hurdle to get over when it comes to launching your ezine. Where do you find it? The following are a just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Articles you’ve written
  • Articles other people have written (often ezine publishers will allow you to use their articles in your own ezine as long as you include their information at the end. Simply contact the person whose article you’d like to use and ask.   Also there are several websites like that host hundreds of articles categorized by topic that are yours for the taking. Simply follow the directions for download and usage.
  • Info Products have you written a special report, ebook or ecourse? Repurpose your content for your newsletter.
  • Blog Posts

Email Service
Once you decide on the layout, design and content for your ezine or newsletter, you need to decide what method you will use to distribute it. Two online services I highly recommend are Aweber and Constant Contact. Both offer a lot of great features including pre-designed templates, however, Aweber offers a few more bells and whistles and allows for more control over your email campaign. With both of these services you can create your newsletters in advance and schedule them for sending. You can also create multiple lists and generate opt-in forms to put on your website or wherever you choose. Both companies offer a free trial so there is no risk to you.

A month or two before launching you and your VA can work together to create buzz about your upcoming newsletter launch. Use social media, blogging and emailing your colleagues, friends and associates and telling them you’re preparing to launch with a link to the opt-in form where they can sign up to get on your list.

Once you’ve decided on a launch date & time be sure your first issue is polished before it goes out. Make sure there are no typos, all links work and everything is formatted correctly. You can also send test emails to yourself to ensure everything works properly.

Now that you’re ready to launch your newsletter you can sit back, relax and enjoy the fantastic feedback you’ll be getting from your readers who can’t wait to get the next issue.

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