As a Virtual Assistant have you ever encountered any client scenarios like…

  • Your clients ended up with a busted project budget and graphics they hate?
  • They were in BAD NEED of good advertising graphics with no idea where to turn?…
  • You had a client with a website header in need of some quick, easy updates and they don’t know who to hire to get it done fast…
  • Your client is onto the Pinterest social media rage and wants some simple yet very effective (and highly popular) ‘quotes’ graphics…
  • Not to mention the social me dia backgrounds, timeline covers and other lucrative projects your clients really WANT help with!

If you have any desire to add a skill in very high-demand to you VA services then you really are in the right place at the right time.

In case you missed our 1 hour training webinar on Thursday with Angela Wills on “How Become a Web Graphics VA Specialist”, here’s the recording for you to watch right now. You won’t want to miss it!


Angela’s offer in the video expires June 8th so watch it now if you have the opportunity to do so as you won’t want to miss out!

Please share with us your feedback and comments below…

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