In today’s competitive market we all need a reason to stand out from the crowd. Something that will make people remember you.

I am sure that you will agree that after you meet 20 or 30 insurance agents, because let’s face it every networking group has one, it is hard to remember which agent is which … Unless they have done something to make you remember them. I say this because I remember once meeting an insurance agent at a networking event, that was giving out lifesavers with his business card and telling people, after I sit down with you and help you make sense of all your insurance needs you will realize that I am a lifesaver. It was just the hook I needed to remember this gentleman.

I remember a friend once telling me that she went to a dog park with her dog and there were frisbees all over the park with the name of a local doggie spa. The dogs were going around the park and picking up the frisbees to take home … I thought to myself that this was such a great marketing trick!!

So what are you doing for your business to make people remember you? If you are stuck for ideas, perhaps a brainstorming session is in store with your colleagues, your friends or your Virtual Assistant. You will be amazed at the ideas that you can come up with.

Some things to look at as you start trying to think of ideas for your own hook are; your business name, the services you provide, your business values, your business goals and what your services/products mean for the people who purchase from you.

Oh and one last tip … don’t dismiss an idea because it is corny. Sometimes it’s the corny ideas that work the best at making people remember you.

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