You Have to Spend Money to Make Money …

So we are in the middle of a recession, but as a business owner we have one step up on those that are employed by others … we are in control of our destiny. If you truly want to create a thriving business you need to invest in your business. Even though many of...

Got a Program? Let Your VA Participate for a Win-Win

Are you an entrepreneur who has created one or maybe even several programs? Perhaps you’ve started a mentorship program, taught or are planning on teaching a series of classes or developed a system for helping others achieve success. If you have, or are planning...

Death By Language

Death by Language may not be written on any coroner’s report but it is a silent killer. It murders professional image and cripples business opportunities. It influences decisions. It raises eyebrows and questions whether a businessperson can be taken seriously....

How to Stay Ahead of the Game

The only way to stay ahead of the game – to truly have a thriving business – is to always keep your eye on your competition. You have to continually research your competition, find new and innovative ways to stay on the “cutting edge”,...

Beyond the Quotes: Finding Your Voice

After spending a single day on Twitter or Facebook you’ll soon see quotes going through the feed stream. Quotes of inspiration. Topical quotes. Often quotes by everyone but the person posting. Why aren’t people putting their own voice behind the quotes?...