What Do Christian Louboutin Shoes & Your Website Have in Common?

What Do Christian Louboutin Shoes & Your Website Have in Common?

Did I tell you I finally bought my first Christian Louboutin shoes? I feel like I’m in a little part of heaven! Here they are aren’t they sexy? It was one of my rewards for reaching my money goals in 2015. Plus I wanted to always treat myself to a lil...
Does Your VA Business Website Have a Responsive Design?

Does Your VA Business Website Have a Responsive Design?

Have you been chatting lately with your business colleagues and heard the phrase “responsive design” pop into the conversation but didn’t have a clue what it was all about? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and hopefully after today you’ll be educated enough to join...

What is a Website Audit?

How old is your website? Is it a few years old or brand new? Are you happy with the level of website traffic you get each month? Does your site have all the necessities to make it work for you? What percentage of conversions do you experience each month: visitors?...

Common Mistakes That Stifle Entrepreneurial Success

Entrepreneurs are no different from other people in that we all make mistakes. The difference is that when an entrepreneur makes a mistake, their business suffers. The good news is, many of these mistakes can easily be avoided. Let’s take a look at the five most...