Fear of Delegation

Fear of Delegation

Believe it or not, the photo above is not a stock photo.  It’s my to-do pile on my desk and my “really need to do right now” pile on my other work space. My name is Molly and I am a total control freak! I love my business and truly believe that I am really good at...
Giving Thanks to Your Virtual Assistant

Giving Thanks to Your Virtual Assistant

When was the last time you gave a BIG THANK YOU to your Virtual Assistant? Being it is the holiday season to give thanks for the wonderful things in our lives, I thought I would give thanks to my VA too! THANK YOU Danielle Beauchemin of Proactive VA!  Without you in...
10 Ways a Virtual Personal Assistant Can Keep You Organized

10 Ways a Virtual Personal Assistant Can Keep You Organized

Running a business can get hectic. Being organized can help. Organization saves you time, saves you money, and saves your sanity. Whether responding to emails is taking several hours a day, your office is over-run with papers, you missed a press release deadline or...

10 Ways a Client Can Utilize a Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant industry is on the rise as more and more businesses use this service to outsource some of their tasks. The internet has enabled professional Administrative Assistants to leave the corporate world and set up their own businesses, providing skilled...
Facebook Fan Pages and Necessity

Facebook Fan Pages and Necessity

It’s no secret that today is the age of social media; however, I have come to find out that throughout my dealings with Facebook, fans, business and individuals alike that it is no longer enough to just think about having a Facebook fan page, and only having a...

Loyal To the Bone as Only a VA Can Be

Have you ever heard the expression – “loyal to the bone”? A quick search on Wikipedia says “loyal to the bone” means: steadfast in allegiance or duty. So why do I preface this post with that phrase, because it signifies an experience I...