Help!! Finding a Subcontractor You Can Depend On

Congratulations! Your thriving business has been so successful that you can no longer keep up with the demands of your clients. You now have two choices: 1) start turning clients away or 2) start looking for subcontractors that you can honestly depend on. As business...

5 Ways to Get More Bang for Your Outsourcing Buck

Everyone is feeling the pinch. Even if you’re projecting more prosperous times, there remains a dilemma over how to sustain key operational and marketing activities when cash is tight. And if you have a virtual assistant or other contractor on the team,...

The Proof is in the Proofing

Some people hunt animals, some people hunt ghosts. Me? I hunt typos. Picking typos out of a published book, newsletter or sales page is something I’ve always loved doing. It’s a twisted little habit I just can’t seem to shake. This of course, is a...

Your Virtual Assistant Doesn’t Have to Live Next Door

Whether you have an established VA or are looking to hire one; you must always be thinking forward; what type of work you will assign, how you will communicate the tasks and how the work will be done. You want a VA you can easily communicate with. A VA who can follow...

5 Really Good Excuses for NOT Hiring a Virtual Assistant This Year

Hiring a virtual assistant can help your business succeed in so many ways it’s hard to imagine why anyone would not at least give outsourcing careful consideration. Then again, why take bold and strategic steps forward with your business when you’ve got...

Let Your VA Be Your Eyes and Ears

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. There is so much great information out there today whether it’s a teleseminar, workshop or conference. You know you need to keep growing and learning if you want to stay on top of your game but...