3 Things You Should Know Before Referring Your VA

Since beginning my VA business over a year ago, I’ve been fortunate enough to not have to search too hard to find new clients. I have clients who refer me regularly as well as non-clients who are aware of my skills and reputation as a VA. There have been a few...

5 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Succeed with Social Media

Some marketers around the web harp that in order for social media marketing to be effective, you have to and should do it all yourself. That is, you shouldn’t let someone else socialize on your behalf. Tweet your own tweets. Post your own juicy bits to Facebook....

VA Blog Hopping & Podcast Tour Stops by VAnetworking.com for Interactive Conversation about Establishing a Relationship with a Virtual Assistant

Happy Easter and thanks for allowing me to stop by during the VA Blog Hopping and Podcast Tour, leading up to the Online International Virtual Assistants Convention (OIVAC), May 14-16. I look forward to responding to your questions and invite you to participate in our...