How Can Hiring a Virtual Assistant Actually Earn You Money?

It’s really simple if you think about it. While a client is actually paying a Virtual Assistant for their time, and a job being worked on, the client will actually start making money in the process. Okay, how? Let’s say client “A” has a...

Let’s talk about Customer Perceptions:

Perception is defined as how someone sees you and your company. Business owners who work primarily online, rely on their visual media – mainly their brand, logo and website to make the first impression, but perception management goes far beyond your logo! Your...

The Bottom Line

If there is one thing that I can definitely say about being on the Internet, and actually earning money and making a living, is that nothing will come to you on a Silver platter. Throughout the years I have seen many people invest in MLM businesses, get rich quick...

Even Virtual Assistants Can Outsource to Virtual Assistants

Sometimes your workload as a virtual assistant can get quite heavy. One of the best ways to handle it is to outsource some of your work to other virtual assistants. But, where do you start with that? Let’s dig a bit deeper to get your mind wheels spinning. If we...