Virtual Assistant Training Blog

How to Become a Virtual Assistant in Canada

How to Become a Virtual Assistant in Canada

Becoming a Virtual Assistant in Canada can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. With the rise of remote work and the increasing demand for online services, there has never been a better time to start your journey as a Virtual Assistant. In this article, we...

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How to Find Clients as a Virtual Assistant

How to Find Clients as a Virtual Assistant

"How do I FIND clients as a Virtual Assistant?" I am asked this question all the time so thought I'd share my 20+ years of experience in this area working as a Virtual Assistant... When I first started out it was feast or famine for me as I had 3 kids to provide for...

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FREE Downloadable Virtual Assistant SMART Goals Planner

FREE Downloadable Virtual Assistant SMART Goals Planner

Stop talking about your GOALS like they're dreams…get ‘em done instead 😉 In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose sight of our goals as a Virtual Assistant. Often times it can be a struggle just to stay on top of our day to day tasks let alone set and...

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How to Set Business Goals That Work for You

How to Set Business Goals That Work for You

There is a lot of advice out there about goal setting, but if it doesn’t work for you, it’s useless. Having said that, you can set up a process of setting goals that work for you if you understand the process and yourself, then put it all into action. 1. Ensure Any...

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How to Find a Goal Setting Balance as a Virtual Assistant

How to Find a Goal Setting Balance as a Virtual Assistant

In the world of business and personal productivity, there is one word that you’ll hear repeatedly – GOALS. #TAWNYATIP: If you haven't grabbed my FREE VA Goal Planner yet then click here to download It’s important to set goals because that’s your guideline for success....

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Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any Business Goal

Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any Business Goal

Do you feel like you're always talking yourself out of success? As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren't up to the task or how you simply aren't qualified to carry it through? If you have ever...

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Struggling to Find Your Niche? Plus 4 Niche Myths Debunked

Struggling to Find Your Niche? Plus 4 Niche Myths Debunked

You are not alone if you are still struggling to figure out your niche. Almost every Virtual Assistant I coach is struggling to find their niche so thought this would be a great topic today... We all know the RICHES are in the NICHES right? Then why do we always have...

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