Many of you don’t know this but I’m a Rockhound.

YES, I collect precious stones just for the thrill of it which you can see from my coffee table display in the pic on the right. But this time I’m looking for some different types of gemstones than I typically collect at rock quarries and mines on my off road travels. I’m traveling around the world virtually today popping into small towns, cities and communities to dig up a handful of Virtual Assistant gemstones who’d love to share their business knowledge with other VAs in my VAVS12 collection.

That’s right! Once again I am looking for Virtual Assistants to speak at Season 12 of our VAvirtuosos Seminars (VAVS12) coming to you November 16-20th, 2015.

I am inviting all ROCKSTAR Virtual Assistants who’d like to bestow their business experiences/skills/niches to help other VAs achieve success quickly via the experience of their peers. Virtual Assistants from around the world love to learn from their business colleagues and this is always a sell-out event!



(Please make sure your speaker submission processes (check your email for immediate receipt acknowledge of your application).

Don’t be scared, it’s FUN and everyone attends not to hear a perfected speech but to hear what you know about being a Virtual Assistant that they don’t. People attend to learn!

We had over 100 speaker applications last season so please get your application in quick to get on the front lines to speak with us. We will start choosing and accepting speakers right away with final submission due date August 30th.


VAVS is the online conference every Virtual Assistant (VA) can’t wait to attend and learn new business strategies via their business colleagues >> Virtual Assistants that have been there and are doing it successfully!

VAVS is hosted by Tawnya Sutherland, founder of the largest social network for Virtual Assistants online since 2003, This VAVS series at only $37 for a ticket to listen to 20 speakers LIVE sells out each and every time (we hold it twice a year)!

If you are trying to figure out what topic to speak about think to yourself, what do I have to share to my fellow VAs? What have I went through and figured out in my business that may help another VA?

And its not just the veteran VAs who know the ins/outs of being a Virtual Assistant we are looking for every sharing VA. We also want brand new VAs speaking at our event because we know even the newbies have something to share like:

  • How to Get Your First Client
  • Juggling Your Schedule Working From Home as a Mother
  • Educating Clients on How to Utilize the Services of a VA
  • The Top 5 Software Programs You Need to Learn as a VA
  • How to Turn Your Facebook from Personal to Business Success
  • Topic ideas are only limited to your imagination!!!

If you’ve got something to tell/teach your business VA colleagues to help with their business success, why not step up to the podium and share with us?

STILL A BIT SHY? BOOK a 15 minute phone call consultation with me (Tawnya) to discuss and talk about your speaker ideas. I’ll light a fire of confidence into you to help you share your knowledge with us!

BOOK 15 Timeblock HERE with Tawnya

If you’ve ever been thinking about speaking as a side line income this is a great way to test the waters behind a computer screen via a webinar scenario. Or maybe you just want to share your knowledge of your VA business success with other VAs to make you feel all gooey good inside.

It always feels wonderful to give, so GIVE it a TRY!


For whatever your reason, we hope you take this opportunity to strut your stuff and speak to your business colleagues on a subject we all love, virtual assistance.

Deadline for applications are midnight on August 30th. Just fill out our short application to see if your topic is accepted. Once accepted we will let you know of other details we require from you.

NOTE: Last series we got over 100 applications so don’t wait to the last minute to apply as we take into consideration the ones that come across our desk first and foremost. If you know the topic you want to speak on then fill out the form to see if its one we’d like to share with our audience and then we’ll go from there. Just make sure you fill out the form completely today before you forget!

No IFs, ANDs or BUTs, the deadline is August 30th, 2015 to receive your application to be considered as a speaker for VAVS12. The speaker slots will fill up quickly so please respond on time if interested.

SPEAKER PERQUISITES: Any new, present or former Virtual Assistant may apply. You must have been a Virtual Assistant at some point in your business life, present or past and have something of value to share to our attendees.

Our tagline is after all: From One Virtual Assistant to Another 😉

Can’t wait to hear from all of you fabulous VAs out there ready to share your knowledge with your business colleagues!

To Your Virtual $uccess,

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS

FREE Resources for Your Service-Based Business!

If you’re looking for exclusive step-by-step instruction on how to Startup, Streamline, Scale and $ucceed in your Virtual Assistant Career on a regular basis then you need to sign up now!