Many business owners have a difficult time delegating because they feel like they are giving up control. I’m here to tell you that statement couldn’t be further from the truth! Delegating doesn’t mean giving up control. It means gaining control.

As a business owner, you wear many hats, President and CEO, Director of Marketing, Bookkeeper, Public Relations Coordinator, and the list goes on and on. Doing all of those tasks every day means you have less and less time to focus on building your business, networking or even spending time with loved ones. You may become overwhelmed, feel out of control and wonder why you decided to go into business in the first place. But what if you could delegate some of that work to a skilled and trusted professional that you knew would get the job done leaving you more time to do all of those things you’ve been putting off? Wouldn’t you feel relieved, energized, focused and even IN CONTROL?

A virtual assistant is that skilled and trusted professional you need to keep you moving forward in your business instead of wading through a black hole of “to do’s” that may never get done because you don’t have the time. Here are just some of the things you can delegate to a VA:

“¢  Updating your blog or website
“¢  Organizing and maintaining your contact list
“¢  Creating and updating a monthly newsletter
“¢  Designing your PowerPoint presentation
“¢  Organizing a webinar or teleconference
“¢  Research
“¢  Formatting an ebook
“¢  Marketing your business on the internet
“¢  Creating marketing materials like postcards or brochures
“¢  Monitoring your email
“¢  Proofreading
Are these some of the things you’re doing in your business or have thought about doing but can’t seem to find the time?

Having someone you trust handle these tasks and others means:
1.  You are saving time by not having to do them yourself
2.  You are focusing on money making activities in your business
3.  You are saving money by not paying for overhead costs that come with an in house employee
4.  You are able to set goals and do things that make you happy
All of this adds up to MORE CONTROL!

So the next time you are wondering whether or not to delegate something ask yourself one question, “will delegating this task give me more control of my business by saving me time and money?” If the answer is yes congratulations! You’re ready to take the next step and call a VA!

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