Who would have guessed that relationship building skills would be a criteria for being a business owner? Sure, you need to be able to get along with people and be appealing to those that you want to sell your services and products to but getting into a “relationship?” What does it really mean? Afterall, you’re not planning to bond . . .   or, are you?

Actually, yes, bonding is exactly what you should be doing. No, it’s not time to call the wedding planners or anything like that. It is time to take notice of your existing clients. Time to make note of their likes and dislikes, learn their business expectations and goals, discover what motivates them and touches them to the core, time to remember their business milestones and special occasions and time to celebrate their victories.

Did you know   . . .
“¢  repeat clients spend 33% more than new clients?
“¢  referrals among repeat clients are 107% greater than non-clients?
“¢  it costs six times more to sell something to a prospect than to sell that same service or product to an existing client?

Marketing dollars go farther building, nurturing, and developing those existing relationships — relationships that you probably have contact with daily, weekly or monthly. This is not to say that seeking out new clients is the wrong way to go but never overlook what’s right in front of you. Always remember to give focus and priority to those that have helped you grow your business to what it is today and will be part of what your business will be tomorrow.   The grass can be equally green on your side of the fence. Building relationships isn’t as difficult to do as you may think.

Clients want to know that we care about them and their business. They want to know that we are invested as a strategic planner along side them – treating their business as we would our own. Providing the right services and products at the right time to benefit the client is an essential key. Most importantly, be sincere in your relationships as clients will always pick up on indifference and any insecurity on your part. Your interactions must be genuine. This simply can not be faked.

Long-term client loyalty is an on-going, conscious effort that should be strived for every day with every interaction regardless of how large or small the project and regardless of how large or small your business.

Businesses that fail to acknowledge those clients directly in front of them are the businesses that fall by the wayside. Don’t let that legacy become yours. Never become limited in your ability to attract new clients if you can’t hold onto and satisfy your current clients. Get it right with your existing clients first, then, branch out.

Implementing this strategy will increase your sales by 50% without increasing your marketing budget. Now, who couldn’t use a few more available dollars in their budget these days?

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