It’s an age-old conundrum in business.

Sales Page Relief Teleclass

You love what you do but you don’t love the process of selling it.

And writing sales copy is no exception.

You worry about “sounding” pushy. You don’t want to bore people. You fear no one will read your copy, let alone accept your offer.

If only there was a simple, authentic way to write a great sales page without all the stress!

Well, my dear friend Karri Flatla, marketing strategist and copywriter, is about to grant you that very wish.

Her live teleclass, Sales Page Relief, is just “30 minutes short.” And it’s on Wednesday, March 16 at 4pm EST.

Click for details on how to register for the No-Fee Sales Page Relief teleclass

During this live teleclass Karri will explain:

  • Why ‘short’ is the way of the future online.
  • How to use short copy effectively in your own campaigns (you must know these “rules”).
  • A ‘plug-and-play’ system for writing powerful, short-copy sales pages (even if you hate writing copy).

Copywriting is just conversation. Which means YOU can write great copy!

Click to register for Karri’s no-fee teleclass

To your Virtual Success,

Tawnya Sutherland

PS: If you’re tired of ‘experts’ trying to convince you to use marketing tactics that make you feel terrible, you’ll LOVE Karri’s message. She’s written winning copy for some of the best, and she’s broken a lot of rules along the way. Give Karri 30 minutes of your time and get the Sales Page Relief you crave. Click to register today!

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