Pros & Cons of Hiring a Virtual AssistantThroughout the various articles that I have written I’ve always tried to focus in on the issue of how a business and/or an individual alike can earn money by hiring a Virtual Assistant. When put into this perspective it almost doesn’t make any sense, but in reality it makes perfect sense. Here is a run down of how someone can earn money by hiring a Virtual Assistant and then the downside of why someone wouldn’t want to hire a VA.

Pro’s of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

  • More free time as a whole.
  • More free time to focus on work, sales, etc.
  • Feeling much less overwhelmed.
  • Less stress to get things done, because now one has help.
  • More time to plan, or execute a strategy one is working on.
  • Not having to do mundane tasks.
  • Not having to do tasks which one does not like to do.
  • Able to focus on the next level.
  • In many cases able to brainstorm with their assistant.
  • More time equates to more sales, which then equates to more profits!

Con’s of hiring a Virtual Assistant

  • Not wanting to hire a VA because one may think that they are unable to afford it.
  • Another reason for not hiring a VA might be because one may not know how to delegate their work load, i.e., what jobs to give to their VA etc.
  • A feeling that someone else may not be able to do the work as good as the business owner can. In other words, “No one can do it as good as I can” type of feeling.
  • Not knowing where to find an assistant, who is best suited for the job, or how much to pay a VA.

Now, in looking through this list one may find that the pro’s far outweigh the con’s by a long shot, and they do, but that does not mean that a business owners’ feelings should be taken for granted. It is totally understandable that a business owner might feel anxious over hiring a stranger to assist them. By the same token it is understandable to think that one can not afford to hire help. However, if one looks at the pro’s very carefully they will soon understand how and why a business owner will profit from hiring a Virtual Assistant and in more ways than one.

Firstly, a Virtual Assistant is a skilled professional on many different levels. In most cases more skilled, and on more levels than a regular in office assistant would be, as this is their living as well. VA’s must be really good at what they do, because if they are not they will lose jobs, or not get hired. Thus that feeling of no one can do it as good as you can is not always true. In fact VA’s probably would be able to do whatever it may be much better than you can.   Remember that a VA is an Independent Contractor they are in business too, so a VA would certainly want to succeed and make any client happy, to be able to do that a VA must be highly skilled!

This brings us to the next points, where to hire a VA, how much to pay them, delegation, etc. The Internet is a huge arena of information that is yours for the taking. Information such as the above is only a click away.   One will find information on everything from hiring a VA to the different pay rates, retainers and much more.  Point in case our very own – full of any and all the information that you need to make a solid decision.

Lastly, profits, profits, profits! Do not think that you can’t afford a Virtual Assistant, because time IS money, and if you’re wasting your own time trying to get things done, when someone else can and will do those tasks for you, you are missing the boat on growing your business and earning more money! You can hire a VA for forty hours a week or one hour a week! VA’s get paid usually by the hour per job, so rather than you work on the things you hate, or work on the things that must get done give it to your VA. In return you will be less stressed, less overwhelmed, able to move forward and able to concentrate on your business knowing that you other tasks are in good hands with your brand new trusty VA!   Once again, time IS money, thus by having more time you are able to grow your business earning YOU more money!

So, what are the cons exactly?

Hire a Virtual Assistant here.



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